Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Last weekend was my first baby shower and it was so wonderful!!! Several ladies at Bellevue Arlington threw it for me and with the exception of my sister everyone that was there goes to Bellevue Arlington. It was a sweet time of fellowship and presents :) I couldn't believe all the great stuff we got, I guess technically its all Riley's gifts, but I definitely had fun opening them! We got some great necessities as well as some cute stuff too. It was a good combination! One of the hostess' daughter took some great pictures for us... here are a few.

This was my favorite part about the shower. each lady took a piece of red or ivory cloth and wrote a blessing or verse on it and my wonderful friend Melissa is making a quilt out of it! Here is a picture of what the quilt is starting to look like..
Sweet hostesses!
And of course mom and sister! I am so blessed to have so many ladies come and celebrate the soon coming of my our sweet baby girl! In a couple of weeks I have 2 more showers!! This kid is not going to be lacking anything! If you know me at all, you know how much I loooove getting/opening presents... I once told my mom that my spiritual gift was receiving gifts... I was a little mixed up with spiritual gifts and love language. Either way I just love presents, the thought behind the gift and the pure excitement! I know very soon presents for me will become few and far between and Riley's gifts will stack up but until she is able to open them herself, you better believe I'm going to enjoy opening them for her!

1 comment:

  1. Showers are so much fun! I'm so happy and excited for you guys! He quilt is a beautiful idea, def. sweet! :) Please know that if you have any questions about anything (birth/newborn stuff, etc), you can still call/text/fb msg me about it! You are going to be such a great mama! :)
