Friday, August 24, 2012

Saying Goodbye

Our neighbors are foster parents and back in February they approached us about being relief parents for them. They had two foster girls and were expecting their first child in May. We would help them as often as they needed us to. These girls totally stole our hearts and we definitely formed a sweet bond with them. It definitely got us thinking about the possibility of adopting locally. In all of the time I've known Jeremy he always said he would never change a diaper unless it was his own child, well one time I walked into the living room and saw this...
Precious. Little did we know when we started watching the girls that they would be preparing us for our very own girl coming this year. All of this to say the girls were placed with a family today. Our neighbors had hopes of getting to adopt them but the Lord had other plans. We hugged and kissed them one last time today and it was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. These sweet girls didn't even live with me and I cried like a baby. I can't imagine what our sweet neighbors are experiencing. It's hard not to worry or be concerned about their new living  situation bu all we can do now is pray that they would be loved and taken care of. These sweet faces will stay with us for a lifetime...


  1. Oh my word. I am sobbing! Between this and finding Kelly's blog today, I'm a blubbering mess!

  2. ha! it was rough day for everyone!

  3. Kacie, Thank you so much for watching the girls for us even when it wasn't easy or convenient or we took forever to pack their stuff! You guys were such a blessing to us, and it was obvious that the girls loved spending time with you. :) You will be great parents!
