Monday, September 17, 2012

Quick Trip

This weekend we made a quick trip to Springfield, MO for my cousin's wedding. We left Friday about lunch time and got there just in time for the rehearsal dinner. Spending time with our Missouri family( my dad's parents, younger brother, older brother and their families all live in Missouri) is rare because we only see them once a year, if that. We knew this would be the last time we were there before we have a baby in tow. It was good to see them all and catch up. One of my favorite parts of the weekend was my dad's older brother telling him that he was jealous and he didn't think it was fair that my dad gets to be a grandpa before him. My dad's response was "Haha I win, I win!" And all this time I thought my competitive nature came from my mother.

Saturday, my dad and I cooked breakfast (I cooked the bacon... the grease kept popping up on me and I might have been a big baby about it), then the boys sat and watched football as my mom and sister basically dragged me to go shopping with them. I hate shopping. But I didn't want to be a party pooper, so I went. Warning them I would not last very long. At this stage in my pregnancy, any standing or walking for more than 5 minutes makes me have to go to the bathroom real bad. So we headed to the mall. After about 45 minutes in JCPenny I was done. Unfortunately, for me, they were not even close. I did find this beautiful watch whilst stalling (I found a TAG that I've wanted for about a year now.. but its $2300..yikes.. this was a Citizen and ONLY $560, ha only!)...
So when it was time to move to the next store... in the midst of my eye rolling, my sister joked about getting me a wheelchair. I said that was a ridiculous idea. The more they thought about it the more they liked that idea. Before I knew it, my mom was pushing me around the mall in a wheelchair. It was absurd but I didn't complain because, hey, I was sitting in a comfortable chair and did not have to go to the bathroom.

Once they finished shopping we headed back to my grandparents house to get ready for the outdoor wedding.. in the rain. It was definitely an experience but a sweet and beautiful wedding non the less. Here are a few pictures...
Us with the beautiful bride! Love her so much! So happy for her and Ty and super jealous that they're enjoying the warm sunshine on the beaches of the Dominican Republic right now.

Ps- horizontal stripes, pregnant and standing next to these two rails is not flattering. Oh well, less than 3 months to go!!!

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